Cordy: Groo, it's a haircut. It's not gonna make me like you any better.
from Couplet (Season 3)
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CORDELIA: Are you sure?

GROO: I'm sure.

CORDELIA: Good. Don't worry. I practiced plenty on Cousin Timmy when we were kids. (starts, then stops) Oh, wait. It's not like your strength is in your hair, or anything like that, right?

GROO: No. I - believe it is in my muscles. (Flexes)

CORDELIA: Okay. So, we lose the Battlefield Earth hair, and get you out of these animal skins, and it'll be a whole new you!

GROO: And will this 'new me' be one that you can allow yourself to love?


GROO: Will the 'new me' please you in ways that the 'old me' could not?

CORDELIA: Groo, it's a haircut. It's not gonna make me like you any better.

GROO: Oh. - I understand.

CORDELIA: You didn't give up your throne and come all this way for a make-over, did you? You came for something I can't give you - me. - It's not that I don't want to. I do. I've never met anyone like you, Groo. You're so open, and sweet, and there is a definite thing here. It's just...

GROO: You are afraid that with me, you will be less than what you were.

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written by: Tim Minear & Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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