Angel to Kate: I did track them down later and set them on fire
from The Thin Dead Line (Season 2)
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KATE: Haven't seen you in a while.

ANGEL: I've been busy.

KATE: Yeah, me too. A couple of open cases I've been working. Two women killed in a clothing store. Thirteen lawyers from Wolfram and Hart slaughtered in a wine cellar.

ANGEL: Real tragedy.

KATE: Yeah, you seem pretty broken up by the loss. Anyway, we're still looking into this one.

ANGEL: Good luck with that.

KATE: I guess you never caught up with your vampire friends in time.

ANGEL: I did track them down later and set them on fire.

KATE: Sounds like you enjoyed it. But then again - the whole murder and mayhem thing's always been right up your alley.

ANGEL: If that's how you feel, I guess this isn't the best time to tell you - I just killed a cop.

KATE: I wouldn't make a joke about that in this building, no matter how immortal you think you are.

ANGEL: Of course, I mean, this is the kind of cop that keeps talking even after he's been decapitated. (Pulls out the cop's badge (number 4226) and shows it to Kate.) Bet they don't teach you that at the academy. Want to tell me who that badge belongs to? (She pulls up a file.) That's him.

KATE: Officer Peter Harkes.

ANGEL: You know him?

KATE: Well enough to be at his funeral six months ago.

ANGEL: Do you want to take a ride?

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written by: Jim Kouf & Shawn Ryan; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
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