Wesley to Faith: it's not too late
from Five by Five (Season 1)
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WESLEY: I'm gonna try calling Angel again.

CORDELIA: Okay. I'm gonna pack a bag.

WESLEY: Cordelia, please, just a few things. We're not going on safari.

FAITH: I got a little problem. I don't feel Angel's in the game. But somehow I think you guys are the key. Now what can I do to *really* make him hate me? Hmmm.

WESLEY: Faith.

FAITH: Shut up, Wesley.

WESLEY: Listen to me. It's not too late.

FAITH: For cappuccino? 'Cause it just keeps me up.

WESLEY: It's not too late to let me help you.

CORDELIA: (scared) Yes. We want to help you.

WESLEY: I realize there've been failures . . on both sides. But I also believe in my heart that you are not a bad person.

(knocks Cordy down & out with her elbow)

FAITH: What do you believe in your heart now?

(Wesley punches her in the face)

FAITH: All right, Wes! My turn. (sends him flying)

(... later ...)

ANGEL: Cordelia.

CORDELIA: She was already here. I didn't know. I made Wesley come with me, just to get a couple of things. She was like an animal. She said that you weren't in the game. There was nothing we could do.

ANGEL: Take it easy.

CORDELIA: I'm sorry. What about Wesley, is he okay?

ANGEL: He's not here.

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written by: Jim Kouf; original transcript from anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site, and checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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