Buffy: you filled my room with packing crates
from The Freshman (Season 4)
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(Buffy's house. She enters and looks for Joyce.)


JOYCE: Buffy.


JOYCE: Honey, how are you?

(She hugs her and Buffy hugs back, one armed.)

BUFFY: I'm ok.

JOYCE: How's college? You've been fighting.

BUFFY: Oh, uh, they started it.

JOYCE: Just as long as you're being careful. I-I really didn't think you'd show up here for a while.

(They walk towards Buffy's room. )

BUFFY: Oh, I didn't have classes today, and everything's just been so hectic I figured it'd be nice to come and crash for...

(They reach her room and Buffy sees that it's crammed with wooden crates. )

JOYCE: Oh, well yeah. You know, I-I didn't think you'd be back for a couple of weeks. Uh, but I didn't move anything, it's still your room.

BUFFY: You filled it with packing crates.

JOYCE: Yeah, but I didn't move anything.

BUFFY: If it's still my room, shoudn't I still be able to fit in it?

JOYCE: Well it's just for a couple of weeks while we do inventory at the gallery. I just really didn't think you'd be back so soon.

BUFFY: Neither did I.

(Buffy is walking through the kitchen, heading out, when the phone rings. She answers it. )

BUFFY: Hello? Hello?

(There's nothing but silence, so she hangs up and leaves. Later, we'll see that this was Angel calling her from his new show)

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by: Diov Llun . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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