Cordelia: You're in charge now, Groo. from There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb (Season 2) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Cordy is pacing in front of her throne, holding an ax in her hands. Groo stands behind her. There are human servants present, none wearing a collar, and a priest.)
CORDELIA: I have a vision. Actually I have two visions, and in one of them you get to keep your head.
PRIEST: How may I be of service your majesty?
CORDELIA: Take a memo. (A girls hands him a parchment and quill) As it is now written - all citizens are created equal. Slavery and religious persecution are outlawed.
(Cordy swings the ax. The priest jumps as the ax shatters the killing device. Wes, Fred, and Gunn come hurrying in, each one holding one of the Wolf, Ram and Hart books.)
WESLEY: I think we did it.
FRED: I-I was opening portals but I couldn't tell where. You-you need the priests' formulas to figure that out on this side.
CORDELIA: So we can go home!
GUNN: (holding up the book) All we have to do is take these to Angel's car
and have her say the words.
PRIEST: Those are sacred books! (Cordy looks at him) Which *you* should have - as a small memento.
CORDELIA: (To Groo.) You're in charge now. You got a long road ahead. (Leads him up the steps to the throne) Slavery has ended but - reconstruction has just begun.
GROO: What is this - recon-struction?
CORDELIA: Gunn, you wanna field this?
GUNN: It means - sayin' people are free don't make 'em free. - You got -
races that hate each other, you got some folks gettin' work they don't want, - others losin' the
little they had. - You're lookin' at social confusion, economic depression and probably - some riots. - Good luck.
CORDELIA: You'll do fine.
GROO: It worries me - but - not as much as.... (Takes her hands) Do you have to go, majesty?
CORDELIA: I don't want to. I'm *really* gonna miss your eyes - and the majesty thing - but-but I have a job to do back home. - It was really fun being your princess.
(Cordy takes Groo's face between her hands and they kiss.)
GROO: God speed, princess.
VARIOUS EXTRAS: (As Cordelia makes a grand processional exit) Your majesty.
WESLEY: Should people be bowing in a free society?
CORDELIA: These things take time.
written by: David Greenwalt; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at: