Xander & Anya meet Spike & BuffyBot
from Intervention (Season 5)
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(Buffybot walks jauntily through the graveyard. She spots Xander & Anya.)

BUFFYBOT: Hey there!

XANDER: Buffy?

BUFFYBOT: Xander! And Anya. How is your money?

ANYA: Fine! Thank you for asking!

BUFFYBOT: Isn't it a beautiful night for killing evil things?

XANDER: I guess.

ANYA: You're back very early.

XANDER: yeah, how was the whole vision quest experience?

BUFFYBOT: I don't understand that question. But thank you for asking. You're my friend. And a carpenter.

XANDER: Are you all right? You're all...

SPIKE: Hey there, wait up!

BUFFYBOT: Spike! It's Spike. And he's wearing the coat.

SPIKE: Yes, ah, hello all. Ah, Buffy's back early I see. Lots of patrolling all around tonight then is it. Oh! Hey, give a fellow a break there Slayer. I'm glad you're all here, ah, cause uh, cause the place is just crawling with vamps tonight. Tons of them. I think we ought to split up.

XANDER: We haven't seen any vamps. Are you sure there's...

(vamp gang emerges)

ANYA: You're right.

SPIKE: yeah, guess so.

(fight, with Glory's minions looking on)

BUFFYBOT: No get away from him!

SPIKE: (to Xander & Anya) I think that was probably the big action for tonight. You two can toddle on home for the night.

XANDER: Buffy?

BUFFYBOT: Yes, Spike & I will do it alone. You guys head home.

(they exit)

BUFFYBOT: I don't understand this. I did the slaying. I should be...

SPIKE: Satisfied?

BUFFYBOT: But I'm not. I'm all... my skin is all hot. Do I look hot to you?

SPIKE: Always.

BUFFYBOT: You better feel me to make sure.

SPIKE: I could do that.

(cut to Xander & Anya)


ANYA: I breathed in like a quart of vampire dust. That can't be good.

XANDER: I wish Giles told us they were back from the desert. Wish I knew what went on there.

ANYA: Oh you know, Slayer-Watcher stuff. Probably some silly ritual with an enchanted prarie dog or something.

XANDER: Whatever it was, I think she's still a little spacey.

ANYA: She fought okay.

XANDER: Yeah. Hey, she never asked about Dawn.

ANYA: That's true.

XANDER: Something's wrong.

(Moaning noises. Xander and Anya look back at the graveyard. Shot of something blurry, impossible to see through the leaves of bushes)

XANDER: (softly) I hear something.

(Shot of Spike and the bot still in the graveyard. Spike lies on his back with the bot straddling him)

BUFFYBOT: Oh Spike. You're the big bad. You're the BIG bad!

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written by: Jane Espenson; Haven't found a transcript yet, so am just typing up my favorite exchanges as time allows.... Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 31

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