Buffy: Those boys really love their coach
from Go Fish (Season 2)
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XANDER: What's up, coach?

Coach Marin: Oh! Harris. Uh... how you feelin'?

XANDER: Little dry. Nothing a lemon butter sauce won't cure. Where's Buffy? (sees the gun, struggle ensues, Couch gets knocked out)

XANDER: Buffy, hurry! Your hand! Hold on!

BUFFY: Pull!

XANDER: Hold on!

BUFFY: Thanks.

XANDER: Just doin' my part for our team.

Behind him the coach has regained consciousness, and hits Xander across the back with a large pipe wrench.


He starts to take a swing at Buffy with it, too, but she ducks away and trips him with her leg. He falls and screams as he rolls into the hole. Buffy reacts fast and grabs his ankle.

Coach Marin: Don't let go! Don't let go of me! Hold me!

Buffy can't maintain her grip, and he falls into the water below. The coach stands up in the water, shaking it out of his face and coughing.

BUFFY: (reaches down) Grab my hand!

Coach Marin: Boys! Boys, uh, now, now, boys! No! I... No, boys!

BUFFY: Those boys really love their coach.

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written by: David Fury & Elin Hampton; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 17

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