Wesley: He'll exploit everything Angel knows about me and go for the jugular.
from Soulless (Season 4)
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FRED: Seeing Angel's soul all floaty like that kinda makes me crazy.

LORNE: Yeah, it's not forever, sugar plum. We're just borrowing it.

WESLEY: (opens the safe door) Cordelia.

(she hands him Angel's soul)

FRED: Don't drop it.

WESLEY: Angel is gone.

CORDELIA: I can't believe...it's done.

GUNN: Taking out Angel's soul. Putting it in a jar. I hope we know what we're doing.

WESLEY: If Angelus knows how to destroy the Beast, it's all we've got.

LORNE: Yeah, otherwise, permanent midnight.

CORDELIA: He's dangerous. I know. I've seen it. But we're doing the right thing.

WESLEY: As long as we're very careful. Before Angelus was ensouled, his viciousness was mythic. You all know his history.

FRED: Killing, maiming, torture...

LORNE: Puppies nailed to walls. Thank you, Cordelia, for that lovely image. But, uh, I think that brings us up to speed.

WESLEY: There's only one thing Angelus will be focused on: getting free so that he can slaughter us.

CORDELIA: We're Angel's only link to humanity. Angelus will hate us for that. He'll want to make us suffer.

WESLEY: Watch the monitor when I go down. Pay attention to everything he does, everything he says. He'll try to confuse you, to play on your emotions so you drop your guard. If he succeeds—even for an instant—we're all dead. I spent my life training for this, and I'm still not ready. He's smarter than I am, and a great deal more focused. He'll exploit everything Angel knows about me and go for the jugular. Whatever he's got, I'm not gonna see it coming.

(We see Angelus in his cage, singing an incredibly creepy version of "Teddy Bear Picnic")

ANGELUS: (singing) If you go into the woods tonight, you won't believe your eyes. If you go into the woods tonight, you're in for a big surprise...

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written by: Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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