Emil (RE: Wesley): To think, I used to sell this guy collapsible swords!
from Lineage (Season 5)
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captures from this scene

EMIL: It comes down to trust. There's no Better Business Bureau for what we do. Customer complaints are dealt with through... killing, torture, beating... sometimes...fire. We call it word of mouth advertising.

WESLEY: If I'd known this was going to be a seminar, I'd have worn my name tag.

EMIL: Just want to make sure we know where we stand.

WESLEY: Right now you're standing on the brink of my patience. I agreed to meet with your distributor, Emil, not your...muscle.

EMIL: What? Dante and Philip? They're assistants. Here to make us more comfortable. Don't think of them as muscle. Are you hungry? I could get Dante to fix you a fish sandwich of some sort.

WESLEY: This is a waste of time. (stands)

EMIL: Please, please. My distributor is simply cautious. He'd like me to verify the merchandise before we move forward. Now...who is this?

(Fred walks up to the table carrying a silver briefcase.)

WESLEY: *My* muscle.

(Fred opens the case and begins assembling a gun)

FRED: What we've got here is a modification of the TS-113 Sniper Rifle. We've altered its targeting and firing mechanisms to fit the parameters you gave us. Scope works along amplified thermal wavelengths.

EMIL: God... You are making me so hot right now.

FRED: Wow. Turned on by a woman holding an enormous gun. What a surprise. We replaced the delivery system with a Bylantine energy charge, eliminating the need for conventional ammunition.

WESLEY: Wolfram & hart has 200 units ready now. We'll begin making more once we receive payment.

EMIL: And your boss doesn't mind selling this exciting weaponry to someone like me?

WESLEY: As long as it doesn't show up in L.A. We choose our battles, Emil, and you sidestepped the issue of payment.

EMIL: You'll get your money.

WESLEY: You'll get nothing until I meet with your distributor. I'm not going through middlemen.

EMIL: Ah! Did you just refer to me as a middleman? You're lucky Wolfram & Hart has such good word-of-mouth advertising. (writes a note) There. Call this number. He'll arrange everything. To think, I used to sell this guy collapsible swords. Almost makes me—

(One of Emil's bodyguards chokes and grunts as his body is yanked into the air by a hook through his neck. Wesley pushes Fred out of the way behind him, and they hide behind some 55-gallon drums.)

EMIL: No one double-crosses me!

FRED: What hit that guy?

WESLEY: Not sure.

(Wesley pulls out 2 hand guns, and leaps dramatically out, firing)

FRED: (sarcastic) Yes, thank you, Wesley. I'd love a gun.

(a ninja appears)

EMIL: I don't want any...

(The nija kills Emil. Angel arrives, kills the ninja. They watch as electricity sparks in the fallen ninja's body, but then hear a soft moaning.)

WESLEY: Fred! (runs back to her)

ANGEL: Fred?

(Wesley goes to Fred's side to discover that she's been hit through the shoulder. Wesley presses a handkerchief to her wound and stares past her into space. Angel stands over them, glaring.)

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written by: Drew Goddard; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 24

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