Angel: You study demons? That's your profession? from The Bachelor Party (Season 1) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Cut to Richard walking along a dark street being followed by Angel. Richard receives a small square package from a dealer in a black car. Later he enters Straley's Steakhouse.) (Cut to Harry entering kitchen carrying a box, Richard follows behind.)
HARRY: I can't wait for you to see what I bought.
RICHARD: What is it? For the honeymoon?
HARRY: Hmm, how small do you think a nightie would have to be to fit into one of these tiny boxes?
RICHARD: Uh-huh. Yes, don't move. I'll be right back.
(Goes into wine pantry, pours wine, takes a sip, morphs into a red-faced demon. Walks back to kitchen picking up knife.)
HARRY: What are you doing?
RICHARD: Right there, pumpkin.
(He walks up behind Harry, Angel jumps through window and tackles him.)
HARRY: Angel, stop!
ANGEL: He's a demon.
HARRY: Well, yeah! (Helps Richard up) Oh, Honey.
ANGEL: You know? But he was coming at you. He had a knife!
RICHARD: That was for the box strings.
ANGEL: Well, what about the package, huh, from the man with the cigar?
HARRY: You followed him?
RICHARD: That was for the restaurant. We serve a lot of delicacies - frog legs, quail tongues, and such - which isn't, illegal, per se...
HARRY: You know, you don't have to explain, Richard. Doyle put you put to this, right? Man! Years go by, nothing changes. Doyle decides what I need...
RICHARD: Now, now, it's understandable, honey. He can't help but want to make sure you'll be in good hands. (to Angel) I can assure you...
HARRY: (to Angel) Tell Doyle that I'm in the best hands. Richard and his family own this restaurant. They're Ano-movic demons. Peaceful clan. Totally assimilated into our culture.
RICHARD: Harry is an ethno-demonologist, and a damn fine one, too. We met while she was scouting clans in North America.
ANGEL: (to Harry) You study demons? That's your profession?
HARRY: Do you have a problem with that?
ANGEL: No! I just... Doyle said...
HARRY: That when he first went through his change I freaked. Which is true. But after I adjusted and I realized here is this whole, rich, interesting world just waiting to be explored.
ANGEL: But you didn't tell him that.
HARRY: Of course I did! I even tried to get him to go out - meet other demons. At least go to one mixer, you know? But he couldn't accept himself, or them. So then he was just angry, and pretty much a bitch to live with.
written by: Tracey Stern; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Ann.. Full transcript at: