Spike to Buffy: all you've ever done is play me from As You Were (Season 6) | Next Clip in Episode |
SPIKE: (angry) Oh, this is ... unconstitutional, is what it is! Here! There's nothin' to see down there!
BUFFY: Riley, look, I'm not saying that he's good, okay, I'm just saying that he's not capable of something as-
(both spot the eggs)
SPIKE: I can explain.
RILEY: We're gonna need more weapons. Spike screwed up. You didn't keep 'em frozen, did you ... Doctor?
SPIKE: You can stop calling me that any time. If I may, the thing of it is, I'm holding these for a friend, who-
(Buffy punches him in the nose again)
BUFFY: No more games.
SPIKE: (upset) Well, that's bloody funny coming from you! No more games? That's all you've ever done is play me. You keep playing with rules you make up as you like. You know what I am. You've always known. You come to me all the same.
RILEY: Can you shut him up?
BUFFY: Not so far.
written by: Douglas Petrie; transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com). action descriptions shortened by me. . Full transcript at: