Giles: Our new slogan from No Place Like Home (Season 5) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Buffy enters the Magic Shop, which is devoid of customers despite the "Grand Opening" and spots a smiling Giles wearing a pointed hat and a purple robe. She stares silently, and Giles drops the smile and the outfit. Dawn bursts throught he doors, panting for breath)
DAWN: I told you couldn't ditch me!
(she looks around)
DAWN: Whoa! Mr. Giles! This place is so... wow. I mean, check out all the magick junk.
GILES: Our new slogan...
DAWN: So when's it open? You know, for customers?
GILES: Since nine this morning, actually.
BUFFY: Dawn. Go. Browse. And-
DAWN: "You break it, you bought it." Heard you the first sixty times.
GILES: (to Buffy) Still, not to worry. No, I've got feelings about this place. Magick's a small niche market but... well, think about it. Sunnydale... monsters... supply and demand. They'll be lining up around the block in no time.
BUFFY: Yeah. You'll be making money hand over fist.
(Suddenly puzzled, she holds her hand over her fist.)
BUFFY: Which I guess is a good thing.
written by: Douglas Petrie; . Full transcript at: