from Fear Itself (Season 4)
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(They walk into a room and Buffy bends down to examine a spot on the carpet.)

OZ: I thought this led to...

XANDER: (to Buffy) What is it?

BUFFY: Blood. Real blood.

XANDER: Okay, actual creeps have been given. (Loudly) Bravo, frat boys!?

BUFFY: Shh! Do you hear something? Like a - squeaking noise??

XANDER: Oh, it's these rented shoes, patent leather. I asked the guy to...

WILLOW: No, no, wait. It's something else. I hear it, too. Something like...

(They all slowly look up at the ceiling. It's covered with real bats. All of them scream and cover their heads as the bats suddenly drop down and fly off down the hall. Oz walks over and picks up a bat that is laying on the floor. )

WILLOW: No, Oz, don't it might be...

OZ: Rubber. It's made of rubber.

BUFFY: What the hell is going on here?

XANDER: Look, maybe it's nothing. Maybe it's just a neat trick. You know, something done with wires or...

VOICE: Release me!

XANDER: Or it might be something else.

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written by: David Fury; . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 15

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