Spike bunks with a skeleton
from Goodbye Iowa (Season 4)
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(Spike's crypt)

FORREST: Somebody's been staying here.

GRAHAM: What do think, a homeless guy?

FORREST: Could be. Or a squatter of the demon variety.

GRAHAM: But not the Polgara.

FORREST: (faces him) Who cares!? I see a demon, it dies.

(Graham puts a palm on top of Spike's tv.)

GRAHAM: It's warm.

(Forrest glances at the sarcophagus and he and Graham move to either end, slinging their rifles. Together they raise the stone lid and lean it against the side. Inside they see an old decayed skeleton with its arms folded over its chest, covered in an old blanket.)


(Forrest is passing the TV and he shatters the screen with the stock of his rifle.)

FORREST: Animals.

(We hear them leave and we cut to a close up of inside the sarcophagus. The blanket is folded up and we see Spike's head poke out from between the skeleton's feet. He sits up, the skeleton's knees draping over his shoulders, and sighs in relief.)

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by Joseph B. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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