Buffy: You couldn't tell me apart from a robot!?! from Intervention (Season 5) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Summer's house)
BUFFYBOT: (smiling) This is my house.
XANDER: If we're gonna stop Spike from blabbing about Dawn, we're gonna need these.
(He goes to the big weapons chest and opens it.)
ANYA: Ooh, the big guns. Saddling up. Shouldn't we have guns?
BUFFYBOT: Those are my weapons. Give me something big and sharp.
WILLOW: Um, Buffy, where do we go? Where should we look for Glory?
BUFFYBOT: She's a god. She wants the key.
XANDER: Yeah, so we should look...
(They all look at the bot.)
BUFFYBOT: I don't know. Why are you all looking at me?
XANDER: Okay, Buff, it's okay, you're right, you shouldn't have to know everything.
BUFFYBOT: We need to rescue Spike.
WILLOW: Um ... Buffy, I, I think you have more weapons upstairs. Why don't you go get those?
ANYA: And maybe change your clothes, you know, something more ... fighty.
BUFFYBOT: I can do that. I'll be right back.
(She turns with a smile and walks off.)
XANDER: Okay, this has gone way too far. She thinks we're going to rescue Spike.
WILLOW: What *are* we gonna do?
XANDER: Find him, keep him from talking, whatever it takes.
ANYA: What do we do with Glory?
WILLOW: Whatever we do, we're gonna need Buffy's help.
XANDER: Then we're gonna have to talk to her.
WILLOW: Intervention time again?
XANDER: Yeah, 'cause what we need right now is a sane Buffy.
(The real Buffy enters, still wearing her brown pants and turtleneck, carrying her brown coat.)
BUFFY: Woah! Group hang time?
WILLOW: That was quick!
BUFFY: Didn't seem like it to me. Death is my gift. Pff!
XANDER: Buffy, we need to talk.
BUFFY: What's wrong? Is Dawn okay?
WILLOW: Dawn's fine.
XANDER: Buffy we care about you and we're worried about you. The way you're acting, the things you're doing...
ANYA: It's wrong.
WILLOW: Wait this shouldn't be about blame.
BUFFY: Blame? There's blame now?
WILLOW: No. There's only love. And some fear.
ANYA: We're just kinda thrown by the you-having-sex-with-Spike.
BUFFY: The who whatting how with huh?
ANYA: Okay, that's denial. That usually comes before Anger.
BUFFY: I am not having sex with Spike!
ANYA: Anger.
XANDER: No one is judging you. It's understandable. Spike is strong & mysterious & sorta compact but well muscled.
BUFFY: I am *not* having sex with Spike! But I'm starting to think that *you* might be!
XANDER: Buffy, I saw you, Anya too. We saw you and Spike, with the straddling...
BUFFYBOT: Spike's mine! Who's straddling Spike?
BUFFY: Oh my god.
XANDER: And so say all of us.
BUFFYBOT: Say, look at you! You look just like me! We're very pretty.
WILLOW: Two of them!
XANDER: Hey, I know this! They're *both* Buffy!
BUFFY: No. *She's* a robot. She acts just like that girlfriend-bot that Warren guy made. You guys couldn't tell me apart from a *robot*?
BUFFYBOT: Oh, I don't think I'm a robot.
ANYA: She's very well done.
XANDER: Spike must have had her built so he could program her to..
BUFFY: Oh god!
WILLOW: Yikes! Imagine the things...
BUFFY: No! No imagining, any of you.
XANDER: Already got the visual.
BUFFYBOT: People! Friends of mine! You are forgetting the most important thing. Glory has Spike and she's going to harm him.
BUFFY: Glory has Spike?
XANDER: We were gonna bring that up.
ANYA: We were getting weapons.
BUFFY: Grab 'em. We're going now. I have to kill him.
WILLOW: We don't even know where to look.
BUFFY: (ponders) I know where to start.
written by: Jane Espenson; Haven't found a transcript yet, so am just typing up my favorite exchanges as time allows.... Full transcript at: