Cordy: James & Elisabeth had the big, forever love. He's gonna want revenge.
from Heartthrob (Season 3)
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GUNN: Then what?

(Back in the present, Angel is locking at the locket, surrounded by Gunn, Wes and Cordy.)


GUNN: What happened with Holtz?

ANGEL: Oh, that's another story.

GUNN: We got time.

WESLEY: I'm not sure we do.

CORDELIA: No, because James and Elisabeth had the big, forever love. If he's still around and he finds out who killed her...

WESLEY: He's gonna want revenge.

ANGEL: *If* he's still around and if they're still in love. That was a long time ago.

CORDELIA: Yeah, two hundred plus years and the girl is still wearing the locket.

WESLEY: Gunn and I'll hit the streets, see what our sources can tell us.

CORDELIA: Uh-huh. See? We have sources now.

ANGEL: Oh, you're almost like real detectives now.

GUNN: Hey!

ANGEL: Just kidding. You should probably check it out. - James really lived for that girl.


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written by: David Greenwalt; modified from the shooting script to match telivised version by me. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 24

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