Justine to Holtz: Nice goatee. Kind of rounds out the whole creepy stalker look. I'll be moving on now. from Dad (Season 3) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Holtz is waiting behind a chain-link fence. He pulls out a paper with an obituary for a young girl named Julia Cooper. A door in the building on the other side of the fence with a sign No Parking. Bar deliveries only opens. A girl looking exactly like the picture on the obituary walks out, squinting at the bright sunlight. She lights a cigarette and walks off. Holtz follows after her. He turns a corner to see a barely smoked cigarette lying on the ground. He raises his hand to catch the girl's fist as she swings at him.)
HOLTZ: Your punch could have been quicker - without so much to drink.
JUSTINE: It's kind of a trade-off, because without that much to drink (head-butts Holtz) hurts a lot more.
(Holtz tosses her against a nearby, parked car.)
HOLTZ: You stick to the shadows.
JUSTINE: I'm not much of a day person.
HOLTZ: I'm not here to fight.
JUSTINE: Your bad luck.
(She swings at Holtz, but he easily evades her attack, and pushes her up against the wall of the building, his hand around her throat.)
HOLTZ: I know you're in pain. I know what it's like to grieve.
JUSTINE: Nice goatee. Kind of rounds out the whole creepy stalker look. I'll be moving on now.
HOLTZ: Justine. I'm not finished.
JUSTINE: You know my name?
HOLTZ: I know everything. You know at seventeen twenty two Spaulding. You stay out all night. Sleep all day. Ever since your sister was murdered six months ago. Your twin. - It wasn't a mugging like the paper said, was it? Major blood loss, two unidentifiable neck wounds.
HOLTZ: My name is Holtz. I want to help you.
JUSTINE: I'll tell you what I want. I want you to stay the hell away from me.
(Holtz watches as Justine walks off.)
written by: David H. Goodman; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at: