Xander dream: I'm a comfortador also
from Restless (Season 4)
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(Xander climbs the stairs. He emerges in the upper hallway. Joyce appears behind him, wearing a revealing red nightie.)


XANDER: Hey Joyce. Mrs. Summers. We're not making too much noise down there, are we?

JOYCE: Oh, no. Anyway, they all left a while ago.

XANDER: Oh, I should probably go catch up.

JOYCE: (grins) I've heard that before.

XANDER: I move pretty fast. You know, a man's always after-

JOYCE: Conquest?

XANDER: (shrugs) I'm a conquistador.

JOYCE: You sure it isn't comfort?

XANDER: I'm a comfortador also.

JOYCE: I do know the difference. I've learned about boys.

XANDER: That's cool about you.

JOYCE: (offscreen) It's very late. Would you like to rest for a while?

XANDER: Um, yeah. (Confidently) I'd like you. I'm just ... gonna go to the bathroom first.

JOYCE: Don't get lost.

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcript by joan the english chick (pisces@englishchick.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 24

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