The Master's blood sucking machine
from The Wish (Season 3)
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MASTER: Bring on the first! (A Cordette is selected from a cage of humans) You!

Cordette: Nooo! No! Please! No! Help me! No! Noooo!

(she is zapped unconcious & fed into a machine)

MASTER: She's still alive, you see, for the freshness.

The machine is turned on, and the pan moves along the conveyor to the blood draining station. On either side are four arms that extend over Cordette, each with a very large needle on the end. They all plunge into her body and begin to suck the blood from it. At one end of the contraption is a tap for sampling the blood, and a glass is filled for the Master to taste.

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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