Dear Cordelia, thanks for the flaming arrows
from Slouching Toward Bethlehem (Season 4)
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CORDELIA: Cordelia. (chipper) Hi. I'm Cordy. I'm Cordelia Chase. I'm— Just breathe. Just breathe. (sighs, walks to a nearby table) Sunnydale. (opens yearbook, sees picture of her as cheerleader) OK, popular. No real surprise there. (flips to messages written by classmates) (reading) Cordelia, homeroom was fun. Too bad it burnt to the ground. What? (reading) Hey, how 'bout that giant snake. (reading) Dear Cordelia, thanks for the flaming arrows. Flaming arrows?

(Walks to box with pictures, flips through. They are all pictures of her.)

CORDELIA: That's cute. Cute. Hot. Yikes. OK, out from the mental ward. Cute again. Was I a spy? (picture of her holding baby Connor standing with Angel) Whose—?

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written by: Jeffrey Bell; Originally transcribed by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 17

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