Cordy: do my babies look healthy?
from Expecting (Season 1)
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(in a physician's waiting room)

WOMAN: (to Cordelia) Do you know what it is? Boy or girl?

WESLEY: Shouldn't be long. I - I told them it was rather urgent.

WOMAN: Oooh, you're carrying low. I bet it's... (she reaches over)

CORDELIA: Shut up! Don't touch me!


DOCTOR: You're what, eight and a half months along?

WESLEY: Feels like only yesterday, doesn't it?

DOCTOR: Well, I see you left a lot of blanks on the patient information form. It would help to have the name of your previous doctor.

CORDELIA: You're the only doctor we've been to...

WESLEY: - in California. We just moved here from England.

DOCTOR: Lovely country. So, how are you feeling?

CORDELIA: I'm as big as a house, everything hurts, I...

DOCTOR: That's all normal at this stage. And once your little one comes out, which will probably be in no time, you'll feel a lot better.

CORDELIA: God, it's a nightmare.

WESLEY: Hormones.

DOCTOR: All right, Mrs. Penborn, why don't we lie back and we'll see what's baking in the oven?

DOCTOR: You folks settle on a name yet? It's the hardest part for a lot of people. Hmm, looks like somebody's having twins.


DOCTOR: No, there's a third heartbeat.

NURSE: There's another one.

DOCTOR: Five... six. Oh, my God!

CORDELIA: What is it? What's wrong?

DOCTOR: I - I'm sure it's nothing. But I - I'd like to withdraw a little of the amniotic fluid just, just to make sure that everything is, ah... shipshape. So, nurse, if you would prep Mrs. Penborn right away?


DOCTOR: I need to tell you there's a point five percent chance of miscarriage from the procedure. Now, it's a very small risk, but...

CORDELIA: I'll take it.

DOCTOR: Now, you'll feel a pinch. Just count backwards from five, and we'll be done.

CORDELIA: 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1!

DOCTOR: All done. Now, that wasn't too bad, was it? Now we'll just run a few tests...

NURSE: (holding syringe) Dr. Wasserman? (the fluid dissolves the syringe and the floor)

DOCTOR: This is, uhm...Excuse me.

(Doctor and Nurse leave.)

CORDELIA: You saw what's inside of me?

WESLEY: I think we should find Angel.

CORDELIA: Wesley, please! Just tell me.

WESLEY: Cordelia...

CORDELIA: (sincere) Do they look healthy?

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written by: Howard Gordon; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by ros_fod. Checked against source by renenet and me.. Full transcript at:
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