Cordelia: They're Not Human from Expecting (Season 1) | Next Clip in Episode |
WESLEY: It's all going to work out. You'll see. Everything's going to be just fine.
CORDELIA: I know it will be.
WESLEY: There's a brave girl. I'm sure Angel won't mind if you rest in here. Just relax, get comfortable, well, ah, ha,ha, as comfortable as is possible at any rate. Should you need anything, anything at *all*... I - I - I'll just...
CORDELIA: You're afraid.
CORDELIA: You're afraid of what's inside of me. You think it's horrible. You think I won't be able to handle it. That if I find out, I'll do something bad.
WESLEY: Cordelia, the truth is I haven't yet formulated a theory. I need time to analyze the ultrasound and weigh the data, and - and the moment there's anything concrete to report...
CORDELIA: There's 7 of them. There's 7 of his children, growing inside of me. They're talking to me. They're talking all at once. I can't understand!
WESLEY: Cordelia, I know how difficult this must be for you...
CORDELIA: No! You don't know.
WESLEY: All right.
CORDEIA: You don't know what it's like to be a partner in creation.
WESLEY: I - I - I just meant...
CORDELIA: Wesley...
CORDELIA: They're not human.
WESLEY: I imagine that's true.
CORDELIA: But, I mean... that could be okay, right? I mean, look at Angel. He's not human. And Doyle, he wasn't either...
WESLEY: Shh. Shh.
CORDELIA: I mean, not totally. He was good.
WESLEY: Shh. Shh.
written by: Howard Gordon; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by ros_fod. Checked against source by renenet and me.. Full transcript at: