Buffy: everything Riley's ever believed in has been taken away
from Goodbye Iowa (Season 4)


WILLOW: No word from Riley?

BUFFY: Nothing. The Initiative probably has him locked in some medical ward. There's no way I can get near him until I come up with a better plan than just storming in and getting us all shot.

WILLOW: Yeah, you might want to work the kinks out of that one.

BUFFY: What am I going to do? He needs me and I can't get near him.

WILLOW: You'll find a way.

BUFFY: It's not like I can spend all of my energy going after the Initiative. Not while Adam's out there.

WILLOW: He's really that big of a threat?

BUFFY: (sighs) I could barely fight him. I-it was like Maggie designed him to be the ultimate warrior. He's smart and fast. He gave the commando guys the slip with no problem.

WILLOW: There's gotta be a flaw.

BUFFY: I think the part where he's pure evil and kills randomly was an oversight... I never should have let them take Riley. I need to be with him.

WILLOW: I'm sure he's okay.

BUFFY: There's no way he can be. Everything he's ever believed in has been taken away or . . . He's alone. He has nothing to hold on to.

(Dissolve to the Initiative, Riley lying on a bed. He lifts his right hand and looks at Buffy's scarf still wrapped around his hand.)

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by Joseph B. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 16

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