Spike: No. I'm not leaving you to get hurt. Not again.
from Bargaining (Part 1) (Season 6)
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SPIKE: So, uh, what do you fancy, bit, uh, game of rummy?

DAWN: Well, uh, Willow and Tara said they'd be back early. You don't really have to hang. I mean, if you're bored.

SPIKE: I'm not, and yeah, I do.

DAWN: But I'm fine alone. It's not like anyone's coming after me. I'm not the key. Or if I am, I don't open anything any more. It's over. Remember?

SPIKE: I'm not leaving you here by yourself, so forget it.

DAWN: Well, I'm just saying-

(Spike slams the cards down hard on the table.)

SPIKE: No. I'm not leaving you ... to get hurt. (softly) Not again. (points to the cards) Now deal.

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written by: Marti Noxon & David Fury; Transcribed by joan the english chick (pisces@englishchick.com). Full transcript at:
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