Lilah: I just want my life back. All my pretty things. I'm selfish that way.
from Calvary (Season 4)
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LILAH: You're a son of a bitch, you know that?

(sits next to a wall and tends to her bleeding stomach wound)

WESLEY: When I said go underground, I didn't think you'd— Is that where the Beast—?

LILAH: I can't make it stop.

WESLEY: I could take a look at it.

LILAH: Uh, I'm fine.

WESLEY: How did you know we had Angelus?

LILAH: Big magic, taking a champion's soul. Makes ripples. I still know some people that like ripples. That was your idea—to bring him? Great minds...

WESLEY: Aren't foolish enough to release him.

LILAH: I wasn't.

WESLEY: So the crowbar...?

LILAH: I had to make him believe I was desperate.

WESLEY: Not much of a stretch, really, is it? And you always wanted Angelus.

LILAH: No, Wolfram and Hart did, but it doesn't matter anymore. I just—I just want my life back. All my pretty things. I'm selfish that way. That's why we wouldn't have worked out.

WESLEY: (softly) There are many reasons we wouldn't have worked out, Lilah.

(she looks away, Wes looks around the area and sees a book and picks it up)

WESLEY: Rhinehardt's Compendium.

LILAH: I need to find a way to make it pay.

WESLEY: I already checked. There's nothing in here that even remotely... (notices a passage) describes... (finds an illustration of the Beast) him. It's identical to my copy except for this passage. How is that possible?

LILAH: It's not a local copy. Pulled some favors, got it on the pan-dimensional black market.

WESLEY: But still—should be the exact same text. Unless...

LILAH: Unless, what?

WESLEY: Well, we'd have to check more books from other dimensions, but what if there were other references to the Beast at one time that had somehow been removed. What would something that powerful need to hide?

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written by: Jeffrey Bell & Steven S. DeKnight & Mere Smith; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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