Mayor to Faith: you'll always have me
from Enemies (Season 3)
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MAYOR: Well, you win some, you lose some. From where I'm sitting, it's batting average that counts. So you lost some friends.

FAITH: I wouldn't exactly call them friends.

MAYOR: Well, what are you worried about? Chin up! You don't see me looking disappointed. Heck, no. You know why? Because I know you'll always have me, Faith. I'm the best, the most important friend you'll ever have. Besides, you know, once the Ascenscion starts, the 'in' crowd you're so concerned about? Whoo! They'll be lucky if there's enough left of them to fill a pothole. Promise. Still unhappy? Okey doke. I've got two words that are going to make all the pain go away. Miniature golf. (grins)

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written by: Douglas Petrie; . Full transcript at:
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