Walsh: Buffy's loyalties are uncertain from A New Man (Season 4) |
WALSH: So she walks in and the rules just suddenly break?
RILEY: Umm . . . pretty much.
WALSH: Be careful with her. She reacts on instinct. There's no discipline there. Her loyalties are uncertain.
RILEY: You won't be disappointed in her. She's good at what she does. She is the truest soul I've ever known.
WALSH: Oh, no (chuckling) oh, no! Spontaneous poetic exclamations. Lord, spare me college boys in love.
RILEY: I'm just saying she'll work out. You'll be proud of her.
WALSH: You want to know what I think? (pause) I think you're probably right.
(Riley smiles then moves off leaving Walsh who swipes an ID card through a keypad and steps inside the security door. Cut to interior we see Walsh walk a short distance down a white corridor and punch a code into another keypad and slide the ID card through again. The door she is standing in front of unlocks and she opens it and disappears inside. It closes again and we see a number stenciled into the door: 314. Cue the Ominous.)
written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by Joseph B. Full transcript at: