Buffy: what's the Mayor's weakness?
from Graduation Part 2 (Season 3)
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GILES: Um, Buffy, all of this is rather depended on your being able to control the Mayor.

BUFFY: Faith told me to play on his human weakness.

WILLOW: Faith told you? Was that before or after you put her into a coma?

BUFFY: After.

WILLOW: Oh. GILES: His weakness.

BUFFY: Right.

GILES: Which is-?

BUFFY: You know I do all this planing. I'm in charge here, even though I am really not at my best-

GILES: Well, let's- let's-ah, let's think.

OZ: Well, Angel, you hung with him the most. Is there something that he's afraid of?

ANGEL: Well, he's not crazy about germs.

CORDELIA: Of course, that's it. We attack him with germs!

BUFFY: Great! We'll corner him and then you can sneeze on him.

Cordelia : No! No, we'll get a box with the Ebola virus and- and-. Or it doesn't even have to be real, we can just get a box that says Ebola on it and- uhm chase him- with the box-

XANDER: I'm starting to lean towards the humus offensive.

OZ: He'll never see it coming.

ANGEL: Faith.

BUFFY: Faith?

ANGEL: At the hospital he was grieving. Seriously crazed, and not just in a homicidal I want to be a demon way. She is his weak link.

BUFFY: Faith. I can work that.

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written by: Joss Whedon; . Full transcript at:
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