Wesley on phone: Hello, Father. Happy Birthday.
from Belonging (Season 2)
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(Hyperion, next day. Wesley is sitting in his office talking on the phone.)

WESLEY: Yes, mum. Yes, well, put him on. - Right. You too. - Hello Father. Happy Birthday. - How are you? - Good. - No, it's going quite well actually. - Yes. I have news. - I've been put in charge of our group. - Yes, as their leader. No, it's a permanent position. Well as permanent as these things -- (the smile on his face fades) - No, I certainly won't be fired. - Uh, well, yes. I was that one time, yes. - Again. No, you're right. I see how you - Yes, I'd forgotten, thank you. - Yes. - Uh, just recently. Um, it's going quite well so far. - No, I think this time -- I hope it will be different. - No. No, you're right. I see how you -- I just thought you'd be -- I thought you'd want to know, that's all. - Right. Well -- again, happy birthday. - Okay. (Hangs up and looks down at the desk.)

GUNN: (comes in) Talking to someone?

WESLEY: Yes, my father.

GUNN: English senior? How is he?

WESLEY: Well. It's his birthday.

GUNN: Nice.

WESLEY: He sends his greetings to everyone in Tinseltown.

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written by: Shawn Ryan; Original transcript by anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site & checked against source by chicken_cem. Checked against source by chicken_cem.. Full transcript at:
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