Buffy: Magic incense & spooky sand
from No Place Like Home (Season 5)
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BUFFY: Thanks for coming over. I really appreciate the help.

(Riley steps into frame and hunkers down next to her.)

RILEY: Sure thing. So what do I do?

BUFFY: Lots. Tons. Lots and lots of tons. This is all kinda-

RILEY: New terrain?

BUFFY: All prayin', no slayin'. Okay, so the incense needs to be ignited... and there's a job. And this stuff needs to get poured around me in a circle, counter-clockwise-

RILEY: So you need me to light incense and pour sand?

BUFFY: Magick incense... and spooky sand... and the ritual itself is-

RILEY: Something you do alone. You sure this isn't just your way of trying to make me feel less- what are the words?- cute and weak and kittenish?

BUFFY: Kitteny.

RILEY: Right. Much manlier. Look... I really am okay.

BUFFY: I know.

RILEY: So I'm not quite Super Guy anymore. It was borrowed power anyway. Had to give it back some time.

BUFFY: I know you can handle yourself. I just didn't want to see you get hurt.

RILEY: Maybe instead of you trying to take care of me, we agree to take care of each other. Deal?

(Buffy smiles and nods.)

BUFFY: Done.

(She stands and they shake hands. Riley leans over and kisses her forehead.)

RILEY: For luck.

(He turns to go but she pulls him back.)

BUFFY: Hey, a girl needs more luck than that.

(Riley smiles and kisses her tenderly.)

RILEY: Have a nice trip.

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written by: Douglas Petrie; . Full transcript at:
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