Rona: You call this a safe location?
from Showtime (Season 7)
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(climbing down scaffolding)

XANDER: Come on, people, we gotta move.

ANDREW: I'm moving. Climbing's not my thing. I got a inner ear condition.

XANDER: Is falling your thing? 'Cause if you don't pick up the pace, I'm gonna come up there and drop your ass.

ANDREW: Way to keep up morale in a crisis. No wonder Buffy's the leader.

RONA: (under her breath) Some leader.

CHLOE: This is crazy.

RONA: You got that right. (to Xander) What are we doing down here?

XANDER: Quieter. Faster.

MOLLY: Where are we?

XANDER: Future site of the new public library, opening up May 2003. If I ever get back to work, that is.

RONA: You call this a safe location?

VI: It's the middle of nothing.

WILLOW: This'll do. OK everyone. Spread out, take positions.

ANDREW: Um, what's my position?

WILLOW: And don't make a sound.

RONA: That's the plan? Spread out? That thing is gonna kill Buffy, and then it's gonna come after us. For all we know, it's killing her right now.

KENNEDY: Or, it could just skip that part and come straight here.

(the Turok-Han has arrived) CHLOE: Oh no no no no... (flood lights come on) DAWN: Buffy?

MOLLY: What's she doing?

WILLOW: (stopping Kennedy from firing her crossbow) Just watch. It's show time.

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written by: David Fury; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 26

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