Sunday: misconceptions about college
from The Freshman (Season 4)
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Sunday: Slayer! Wow, uhm, I heard you might be coming here. This is, I mean, what a challenge! The slayer!

BUFFY: And you are?

Sunday: I'm... I'm Sunday, I'll be killing you here in a minute or so.

BUFFY: You know that threat gets more frightening every time I hear it.

SpicoliVamp: Uhh... are we gonna fight? Or is there just gonna be a monster sarcasm rally?

FatVamp: I'm in for a piece.

BUFFY: Everybody gets to play.

Sunday: Guys, this is totally mine.

SpicoliVamp: Ok, but you gotta share the eatin'. 'Cause I'm thinkin' slayer's blood's gotta be--Whoa!--like Thai Stick.

BUFFY: I thought people were suppose to get smarter in college?

Sunday: Yeah, I think you had a lot of misconceptions about college. Like that anyone would be caught dead wearing that.

(Buffy looks hurt. they fight, Sunday hurts Buffy's arm & Buffy runs off)

Sunday: Freshmen!

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by: Diov Llun . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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