Willow's locator spell goes awry
from Bring on the Night (Season 7)
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XANDER: How's it going?

BUFFY: Dawn's trying to find out anything she can about the Seal of Danzalthar. Will's about to do a locator spell, see if we can find The First.

XANDER: Why don't you go get some rest. You haven't slept for like two days. We'll call you if we find anything.

BUFFY: Nah, I-I couldn't sleep. Too much going on.

XANDER: It'll be OK, Buff. We've faced this kind of stuff before.

BUFFY: You didn't see The First. I did. I felt it. It was like?

(Willow's spell goes kablooey)

BUFFY: Will!

WILLOW: (in a deep possessed voice) You only make me stronger!

(Xander destroys the spell preparations)

BUFFY: Will!

WILLOW: It's still in me. I feel it!

BUFFY: No, it's not. It's gone. You're OK.

WILLOW: I don't want to hurt anybody. Please, Buffy, don't let it make me. Oh, God!

BUFFY: We won't. I promise, OK? I promise. We won't use magic to fight this thing until we know what we're doing.

WILLOW: I can't. I can't. I'm sorry.

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written by: Marti Noxon and Douglas Petrie; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 14

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