Angel to Cordelia: handling a lethal weapon is a *little* different from shaking a pom-pom.
from Billy (Season 3)
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ANGEL: Just trust me.


(Hyperion, basement, Angel is standing behind Cordy, leaning in close.)

ANGEL: Don't stiffen up.

CORDELIA: Yeah, you either.

(Cordy raises the sword in her hands and they start moving through an exercise with Angel Guiding her movements.)

ANGEL: Alright. A good defense is about moving the line of attack. When the bad guy comes at you, you want to step off the line like this creating a new one. Every time you do, your opponent will be forced to adjust. Always make the other guy work.

CORDELIA: Okay. Move the line. Then what?

ANGEL: Then - just keep moving the line. You'll be able to keep an attacker busy until... - You know.

CORDELIA: What? Until he dies of old age or until *you* swoop in to save me? Angel, I didn't ask you to train me so I could stave. I already know how to stave. *Now* I need to learn how to fight!

ANGEL: You don't think that I would?

CORDELIA: Would what?

ANGEL: Save you.

CORDELIA: Men-folk not always around to protect the women-folk, you know? - Besides, what if it turned out *you* were the guy I had to fight? Could happen.

ANGEL: Okay.

(Angel raises his sword and takes a stance beside Cordy and she copies his movements.)

ANGEL: When you put an adversary down, you wanna make sure he doesn't get up again. So, like I showed you... Force the other guy to counter and he'll open himself up something like this. We'll go half-speed until...

CORDELIA: No need, I got it. Three years of Varsity Cheer Squad, I only ever had to be shown a move once.

ANGEL: You know, Cordelia, handling a lethal weapon is a *little* different from shaking a pom-pom.

CORDELIA: Ready! O-kay!

(Cordy comes at Angel with the sword full-speed, ending with him up against the wall the sword inches away from his throat.)

ANGEL: Easy - Ha, ha - Go team.

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written by: Tim Minear & Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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