Willow to Spike: you look like an evil olive
from New Moon Rising (Season 4)
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(Cut to Buffy, Willow, Xander and Spike walking through the woods, armed. Buffy and Willow wear white lab coats. Spike and Xander wear green army fatigues.)

BUFFY: I've mentioned how much I'm gonna kill you if this is a scam, right?

SPIKE: Look, would I wear this if I wasn't on the up-and-up?

WILLOW: You do sorta look like an evil olive.

XANDER: Guys... check it out.

(They all see the hidden doorway. They look at each other. Spike walks toward it. Shot of Adam in his lair working on a computer. The metal part of his face is hinged back and wires are running into his skull from the computer. Spike pulls the doors open.)

SPIKE: For a nasty town like Sunnydale, nobody seems to mind their locks.

BUFFY: You first.

(Spike rolls his eyes and enters.)

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcript by joan the english chick (pisces@englishchick.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 27

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