Riley: I'm here to violate your firstborn
from The Real Me (Season 5)
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RILEY: Morning, Mrs. Summers. You look great.

JOYCE: Oh, thank you, Riley. (Exits)

BUFFY: Suck up.

RILEY: What? It's a nice outfit.

BUFFY: Mm-hmm.

RILEY: Besides, "I'm here to violate your firstborn" never goes over with parents. Not sure why.

(they kiss)

DAWN: (voiceover) Riley, my sister's boyfriend, is *so* into her. They're always kissing ... and groping. I bet they have sex!

(Riley stops kissing Buffy and looks at Dawn.)

RILEY: Hey, kid.

DAWN: I'm not a kid.

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written by: David Fury; transcribed by Joan the English Chick ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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