When a Goran demon becomes heavy with the age, his head-a sag and drop off like a ripe-a fig.
from The Girl In Question (Season 5)
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DEMON MAID: Grazie, Signor Angelo. We are in your debt for attending to a delicate matter. Grazie, grazie.

(she places a bowling-ball style bag on the counter)

ANGEL: Um, this is the, uh, Capo di Famiglia of the Goran demon clan?

DEMON MAID: Si, si. The Capo di Famiglia.

SPIKE: Must've been a wee fella.

(they unzip the bag, look inside)

ANGEL: This is just his head.

DEMON MAID: Si, si. The Capo di Famiglia.

SPIKE: What happened to the rest of him?

DEMON MAID: When a Goran demon becomes heavy with the age, his head-a sag and drop off like a ripe-a fig. Heh.

ANGEL: So his new body just hatches out of it?

DEMON MAID: If the rituals are performed by the family in time. You must-a get the head of the Capo to Los Angeles subito. Eh? Si?

ANGEL: Si. Subito.

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight & Drew Goddard; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
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