Adam: I am interested in chaos.
from Superstar (Season 4)
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(Adam's lair. A previously dissected body is still lying out, but Adam's focussed on some monitors)

Vampire: I wish you'd get rid of that body. The smell's making me hungry.

ADAM: You wouldn't want it. It had a blood disease. It didn't know it but it would have been dead within the year. Humans sense so little of what they carry inside.

Vampire: Oh alright. Well, you're the evil messiah guy, so henh. Oh hey there's something new in town, yeah, attacked a girl, caused a little fuss. Oh, he was there. Pfft! Jonathan.

ADAM: Jonathan. Tell me who is he?

Vampire: Henh, you're joking right? Jonathan is Jonathan. Look.

(All five screens or televisions seem to have scenes of Jonathan.)

ADAM: These are lies. None of this is real. The world has been changed. It's intriguing but it's wrong.

Vampire: Feels ok to me.

ADAM: You're under his spell just like the others. I seem to be the only one who is not.

Vampire: Really? And what makes you so special?

ADAM: I'm aware. I know every molecule of myself and everything around me. No one - no human, no demon - has ever been as awake and alive as I am. You are all just shadows.

Vampire: Oh. So what do - what do you do now? Hey you could kill Jonathan! Well, or you could try. The guy's like a dynamo of action.

ADAM: I don't need to do anything. These magicks are unstable, corrosive. They will inevitably lead to chaos. And I am interested in chaos.

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written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by Corwin2. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 18

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