everybody out!
from Chosen (Season 7)
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FAITH: Everybody out now!

(full scale retreat ensues)

ANDREW: (shocked to find himself alive, Anya dead) Why?


PRINICIPAL WOOD: The bus. Get them on the bus!

GILES: Everybody! This way!


XANDER: (calls out) Anya! Anya!

(Dawn pulls him away, he never sees her body)

(inside the bus)

VI: (to the wounded Rona) Look at me! This is nothing! Stay awake! This is nothing!

ANDREW: (to himself) Why didn?t I die?

(Buffy leaps from building to building, keeping pace with the schoolbus until she can leap to its roof. As the bus races out of town, Sunnydale collapses into a giant pit behind them)

FAITH: Ease off. We?re clear.

(Bus pulls over. Buffy comes off the roof and Dawn tackles her in a hug)

GILES: I don?t understand. What did this?

BUFFY: Spike.

(the "Welcome to Sunnydale" sign wavers and then topples into the giant pit)

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written by: Joss Whedon; original transcript by Buffy vs Angel. Edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 48

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