Call me Caleb. from Dirty Girls (Season 7) | Next Clip in Episode |
(a girl is being chased through the woods by Harbingers)
SHANNON: (running into road) Stop! Stop! Stop, please!
CALEB: (through his truck window) What's goin' on?
SHANNON: Please get me out of here! (climbs in)
CALEB: Was someone hurt? What is it?
(they leave the Harbingers behind)
CALEB: Well, that was, uh... Are you all right?
SHANNON: Thank you. Thank God you were there.
CALEB: Well, let's not give him credit for everything. (smiles) No, I'm funning you. I don't believe it was a coincidence. I also don't believe young girls should be out in the woods late at night?should be tucked in bed.
SHANNON: Wish I was.
CALEB: I expect you do at that. Look, I don't mean to pry, but those boys... they looked like? Well, you didn't happen to fall in with devil worshipers, did you? Na, I'm?I'm sorry. You, uh, you look like you've been traveling a while. I didn't think that? Is there some place you'd like me to drop you? You heading some place?
SHANNON: Sunnydale.
CALEB: I'm going there myself. I ain't never been, but I expect we could find a police station or a?
SHANNON: I just need to get to Revello Drive. Um, thanks, Father...
CALEB: Call me Caleb. Never was nobody's daddy.
SHANNON: I'm Shannon.
CALEB: Well, Shannon, you feel like telling me why those Freaky Joe's were after you?
SHANNON: I'm not sure.
CALEB: Well, do you ever think that maybe they were chasing you because you're a whore?
CALEB: Now, I know what you're thinking. Crazy preacher man spoutin' off at the mouth about the whore of Babylon or some-such. That ain't me. I'm not here to lecture you. I mean, what's the point? My words just curdle in your ears. Wouldn't take in a thing. Head's filled with so much filth that ain't no room for words of truth. Well, you know what you are, Shannon? Dirty.
SHANNON: What? I'm not! What're?
CALEB: Now, now, now. There's no blame here. You were born dirty, born without a soul. Born with that gaping maw wants to open up, suck out a man's marrow. Makes me puke to think too hard on it. (Shanon tries for the door) Yeah, that there door's problematical. I don't know as I could recommend steppin' out at this speed anyway. You're like as not to tumble some. But, of course, there's my boys back there?Ooh, they hate to miss a mark.
SHANNON: Your boys?
CALEB: Well, they ain't exactly my "blue eyed boys" but they're hard workers. And they don't truck with Satan?that was just me having fun. Satan is a little man. (Shannon reaches for the steering wheel) I don't like back-seat drivers.
SHANNON: Please...don't hurt me.
CALEB: Well, now, is this the part where you offer to do anything? Because I tried to make it clear?you got nothin' I want to explore. (presses his ring, which he's heated with the cigaratte lighter, into Shanon's kneck, branding her) Oh yeah. That's it! That's a cleansing fire. Hallelujah! Now, if I'm not mistaken, there's a car a little ways behind us, and I do believe there's some folk in it goin' the same place you are. Now, I want you to deliver a message for me, but it's not for them. It's for the other one?the one and only, the original, accept-no-substitutes slayer. Would you tell her something for me?
CALEB: Thank you, Shannon. (takes a knife and stabs Shannon in the stomach, then whispers something in her ear) Now, let's see what we can't do about that door.
(Caleb kicks the door open and pushes Shannon out, where she is soon found by Willow & Faith)
WILLOW: (to Shannon) Are you OK? Can you hear me? Can you talk? (to Faith) This girl's bleeding badly. We have to get her to the hospital.
FAITH: Yep. Guess I'm back in Sunnydale.
written by: Drew Goddard; originally transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at: