Buffy & Willow: a good first step
from Gone (Season 6)

BUFFY: Pretty neat, you finding the van. So ... how did you manage to ... do it exactly? I mean, to locate it?

WILLOW: The hard way. The spell-free way. The oh-my-god-my-head's-gonna-fall-off, my-feet-are-killing-me way. I don't know how I got through this day.

BUFFY: Well, the important thing is that you did. It's a ... good first step.

WILLOW: How are you doing, post-invisibleness?

BUFFY: Okay. I still have to do some damage control from my giddy-fest. Dawn was pretty freaked out. The whole taking-a-vacation-from-me thing didn't work out so well.

WILLOW: Tell me about it.

BUFFY: Except ... when I got Xander's message ... you know, that I was ... fading away ... I actually got scared.

WILLOW: Well, yeah. Who wouldn't?

BUFFY: Me. I wouldn't. Not too long ago I probably would have welcomed it. But I realized ... I'm not saying that I'm doing back-flips about my life, but... I didn't ... I don't ... wanna die. That's something, right?

WILLOW: It's something.

WILLOW: So I guess we both made good first steps.

BUFFY: I guess.

WILLOW: Yay for us.


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written by: David Fury; transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com). edited down by me. . Full transcript at:
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