Willow to Buffy: I'm sorry for letting you down
from Bring on the Night (Season 7)
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GILES: This day's almost over. And the sun will go down in 17 minutes.

XANDER: Hey, junior slayers, don't look so worried. I mean, sure, we don't know where Spike is, or how to fight The First, or if and when the super style vampire is gonna attack us all. However, house? boarded up. No all we gotta do is trap this UberVamp in a pantry, and it's game over.

WILLOW: Xander, newbies. Let's ease them in to the whole "jokes in the face of death" thing.

XANDER: Who's joking? That pantry thing could work. Are you saying M. Night Shamalayan lied to us?

BUFFY: You'll be OK.

WILLOW: OK, or even better. It's like our guarantee.

WILLOW: (to Buffy, privately) Um, Buffy, I just, I want you to know that I'm really sorry for letting you down. You know, here before with the magic going all aah and me going all eeee and everything getting all rrrr. I wish I could help out.

BUFFY: No one expects you to make everything right.

WILLOW: So, I can't do everything, but I should at least be able to do something. I have so much power, but when I try to use it?

BUFFY: Don't, OK?

WILLOW: OK. But, you need help, Buffy. I know you, and I know you'll never admit it, but you need help.

BUFFY: I'll be OK. OK, or better. It's like my guarantee.

KENNEDY: Hey, are we getting weapons? Trained fighters? Patton is coming? I've heard worse ideas.

ANNABELLE: We'll be armed when the slayer feels we're ready.

MOLLY: I feel ready.

ANNABELLE: You're frightened. You must learn to control your fear.

KENNEDY: Hey, you know what would help with that? Weapons.

BUFFY: Uh, I don't know about that?

KENNEDY: We're sitting ducks without them.

ANNABELLE: We're with the slayer. Safe as houses.

KENNEDY: Do you see the house we're in?

ANNABELLE: It'll come straight for us, won't it?

BUFFY: We should load them up, Giles.

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written by: Marti Noxon and Douglas Petrie; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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