Angel meets Dinza
from Ground State (Season 4)
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ANGEL: Knock, knock. Door was open. (door disappears) Or it was a second ago.

DINZA: Are you lost?

ANGEL: Keep it up, you're gonna make me seasick.

DINZA: I doubt it. I think it would've happened before now. Tell me, do you miss the sound of the waves?

ANGEL: You-you know who I am.

DINZA: I know you were lost. I know all the lost things.

ANGEL: Really? City of Atlantis? Holy Grail? Jimmy Hoffa.

DINZA: Lost love.

ANGEL: So you know why I'm here, who I'm trying to find?

DINZA: She is far from you, champion, and needs you no longer.

ANGEL: I need her.

DINZA: They think that you should join them. That I should never let you out. (chuckles) But who listens to the dead. The Axis of Pythia rests close by. What you seek can only be found inside the Axis.

ANGEL: The Axis?

DINZA: An ancient power bridging all dimensions. Find the Axis, and find your lost one.

ANGEL: Why should I trust you?

DINZA: (suddenly behind Angel, grabbing his throat) Because I'd love to keep you... but you have so much more to lose.

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript by: CariCranberry. Edited & formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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