Angel to Fred: Winifred? You're the girl from Cordy's vision!
from Through The Looking Glass (Season 2)
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(Angel and Fred are riding double through what looks like low mountain country. Angel looks around then pulls the horse to a stop, slides off, and helps Fred down.)

ANGEL: I don't think we've been followed. We should probably stay on foot. In case they try to track us down. Come on.

(He turns to Fred and finds her staring at him.)

ANGEL: You okay?

FRED: Handsome man saved me from the monsters. Bye. (She runs off.)

ANGEL: Hey. Wait a minute.

(Fred ends up in a hidden cave. Here, when Angel finds her, she is wearing glasses and writing on the walls.)

ANGEL: Hello? Hey, great place. You don't have to be afraid of me. Really. I-I'd never... (He's distracted by his reflection in a pool of water.) ...hurt you?

(Fred glances back at him, the quickly turns back to her carving.)

ANGEL: So, ah... So, you don't wanna talk to me?

FRED: I can't, huh?

ANGEL: Why won't you?

FRED: Because - you're not real. Or I'm not real. *Somebody* here isn't real and I suspect it's you. So if you're not real, that means that my head came off back there and that I'm dead now. Dead. And with me being dead and you being not real I can hardly be expected to have some big conversation with you at the moment, because it's just a little too much pressure, alright?!

ANGEL: Okay. Okay.

(She nods and turns back to her writing.)

ANGEL: What's that you're doing?

(Fred looks up at the stuff covering the walls. Some of it looks like the words form the book that opened the portal, other stuff resembles mathematical formulas.)

FRED: Uhm, I think I saw it in a dream.

ANGEL: You've been here a long time.

FRED: Always. Not always.

(Angel spots something. Picks it up. It's a California drivers license for one Winifred Burke, living in Los Angeles, brown hair, 5'6, 114 pounds, expiration date 03-01-98.)

FRED: I had a dream. I had a name.

ANGEL: Winifred. You're the girl from Cordy's vision!

FRED: What?

ANGEL: They called you Fred. You were studying to be a physicist.

FRED: That's my dream.

ANGEL: You disappeared from a library in Los Angeles five years ago.

FRED: Stop it.

ANGEL: It's not a dream, Fred.

FRED: It's not?


FRED: And my head's still on?

ANGEL: (he gently pushes her glasses back up on the bridge of her nose) Yeah.

FRED: You're real?

(He smiles and nods. Fred's smile melts into a frown and she starts to shake her head as she moves a few steps away.)

FRED: No. No, I don't want you to be real.


FRED: Because! You're nice, and you saved me. And bad things will happen to you here. Bad things always happen here.

ANGEL: No, no, no. Nothing bad's gonna happen. I-It's gonna be okay. We-we can take you out of here.


ANGEL: Yeah. Me and my friends. We-we're working on a way to get out of here.

FRED: Can't get back. There is no back.

ANGEL: No, there is. If we can open the portal....

FRED: The portal! She fell through the portal!

ANGEL: Who did?

FRED: That other girl. I couldn't save her. I was arrested. They got her. She's a slave. She'll die!

ANGEL: Oh. Cordy. No, she's fine. They made her a princess.

FRED: They... Really? - Oh. When I got here they... They didn't do that. Well. That's nice for her.

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written by: Tim Minear; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
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