Buffy: suffering from a bad night of badness
from Beer Bad (Season 4)
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BUFFY: (watching MTV) TV is a good thing. Bright colours. Music. Tiny little people.

WILLOW: What did you do with Buffy?

BUFFY: I'm suffering the afterness of a bad night of badness

WILLOW: You didn't. Not with Parker again.

BUFFY: No, with four really smart guys.

WILLOW: Four? Oh. Ow. Oh Buffy, are you okay? Do you wanna talk about it?

BUFFY: I went to see Xander. Then I saw Parker. Then came beer.

WILLOW: And then group sex?

BUFFY: (Hits her) Gutter face. No! Just lots and lots of beer. It's nice. Foamy. Comforting. It's just beer.

WILLOW: Drowning your troubles over Parker. Mind frying man! He deserves a slow and torturous death by spiderbites. Well, for today we'll just have to throw spitballs at his neck in class.

BUFFY: Okay. (Gets up to leave in her pjs)

WILLOW: Uh (stops her) getting dressed would be fun to.

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcribed by Lilybunny (lilybunny@hotmail.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 25

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