Willow Xander & Buffy perform Oedipus
from The Puppet Show (Season 1)

WILLOW: Oh, ruler of my country, Oedipus, you see our company around the Altar, and I, the priest of Zeus!

XANDER: Ha, ha! They prophesize that I should kill my father. But he is dead. And hidden deep in the soil. But surely I must fear my mother's bed.

BUFFY: Oh, Oedipus, Oedipus, unhappy Oedipus, that is all I can call you, and all that I ever shall call you.

XANDER: Darkness! And horror of darkness. Unfolding, restless, visitant, sped by an ill wind in haste. Madness, and... Madness a-and stabbing pain, and, a-and, uh... oh... oh... memory of, uh, i-ill deeds I have done.

(Buffy nudges Willow to cue her. She is too terrified to say her next line and runs from the stage. Xander and Buffy step together to fill the gap left between them.)

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written by: Dean Batali & Rob Des Hotel; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
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