Cordy to Wes: she's crying, you're bruised and Angel had a near Melba-toast experience! What did you say?
from Untouched (Season 2)
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CORDELIA: You're sure nothing's broken?

WESLEY: I'm sure.

CORDELIA: Nothing at all? Say, your brain? What happened to approach her with caution?

WESLEY: If I'd given her time to get her defenses up ...

CORDELIA: She wouldn't be crying, you wouldn't be bruised and Angel wouldn't have had a near Melba-toast experience! What did you say to her?

WESLEY: I mentioned her father.

CORDELIA: Well, who's her father?

WESLEY: No, it's ... The sort of trauma that can produce this level of psychic power usually involves abuse of some kind, very early on. You'd mentioned a sexual vibe, she made that crack about family business. Statistically speaking, the father was the best guess.

CORDELIA: There's not enough yuck in the world.

(Angel walks in.)

CORDELIA: How is she?

ANGEL: Settling. (To Wesley) You're gone.

CORDELIA: You can't fire Wesley. I'll quit, too! Unless you're firm!

ANGEL: I'm not firing anyone.

WESLEY: I understand. My being here won't exactly help her to feel trusting. I'll be at my flat. Call me if ...

ANGEL: It helps that we know.

WESLEY: I hope so. (He leaves.)

ANGEL: (to Cordelia) You should stay at your own place tonight in case she ...

CORDELIA: Be careful.

ANGEL: I don't think she'll go off again.

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by chicken_cem. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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