Faith in Buffy: five-by-five
from This Year's Girl (Season 4)

(The fight continues. Then Faith hears sirens)

FAITH: The cops.

(she starts to run out, but Buffy follows closely. They fight some more. Faith sneaks the Major's device onto hand, and grabs Buffy's hand. There's a glow, and they're blown apart. "Faith" looks shocked, but "Buffy" recovers quickly, knocking her out cold. Joyce arrives.)

JOYCE: You okay?

BUFFY: All things considered.

JOYCE: What is that?

BUFFY: Weapon of some kind.

(She throws it down on the floor and stomps her boot on it. There is a flash of light as it's crushed.)

BUFFY: Didn't work whatever it was.

(There's a loud pounding on the door.)

JOYCE: Ah, the police.

BUFFY: She's their problem now.

JOYCE: You sure you're okay?

BUFFY: Five-by-five.

(She gives a Faithy-y grin)

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written by: Douglas Petrie; . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 25

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