Angel to Sluk-possesed-Fred: Why is this Destroyer after you?
from The Price (Season 3)
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(they run towards the hotel kitchen)

CORDELIA: This way! Lorne! Bolt the door! (to Angel) They're all over.

FRED: No more running. Too hot. Too hot.

ANGEL: Groo, lock the other doors! Lorne, turn on the ovens!

LORNE: We're gonna cook 'em?

ANGEL: We're gonna cook the air. Dry it out. Make it so uncomfortable for them, they won't want in--

(Fred screams)

LORNE: Now, that's what I call uncomfortable.

FRED: Charles! Where's Charles?!


GROO: Angel. There are too many to fight our way out.

ANGEL: I know.

(He crosses to Fred, and grabs the water bottle out of her hand.)

FRED: No! Water...

(Angel grabs her roughly)


LORNE: Whoa! Easy!

ANGEL: (to Fred) I wanna talk to that thing inside of you. Now! I wanna know what you are.

FRED: We... We are... thirsty...

ANGEL: Work with me, Fred. Make it answer me. What do you want here?

FRED: To live... To live... To drink... And be merry. It hurts. Us. We have to get out.

CORDELIA: Sounds more like they want in.

FRED: Have to flee. It brings pain...Such pain...

LORNE: It? What happened to we? What's with the pronoun switcheroo?

ANGEL: What are you fleeing from?

FRED: The bringer of torment... agony... death... The Destroyer.

CORDELIA: Oh, that's a name you just don't want to hear.

ANGEL: Why is this Destroyer after you?

FRED: It's not... It's coming after you... Aaaangel.

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written by: David Fury; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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