Bye Fred from Fredless (Season 3) | Next Clip in Episode |
TRISH: I mean, Rog's always had a thing for those disgusting Alien movies with all the slime and teeth. He just can't get enough of 'em. - Except for that last one they made I think he dozed off. - I just can't believe it's all real.
CORDELIA: Well, I don't know about aliens, but demons and alternate dimensions I know. It takes a little getting used to.
TRISH: I'm so glad Fred's coming home. This place is too dangerous for her. Roger and Gunn carry Fred's contraption over to the settee.
ROGER: Hey, honey, would you look at this? Fred *made* this.
GUNN: Cool, ain't it?
WESLEY: We think it's some sort of mechanized weapon, possibly influenced by the medieval catapult, designed for serious to fatal wounding, if not complete decapitation.
ROGER: Or it makes toast.
WESLEY: Or it makes toast.
(Trish sees Fred and Angel coming down the stairs.)
TRISH: Hey! You got everything packed, baby? What about that shirt with the bug guts on it? You-you threw that out, right? You're not taking it home, right?
FRED: I don't know. I kinda thought I'd take it with me - guts and all. You know, as a souvenir.
ROGER: Ah. That's my girl!
FRED: (to the gang) You know, in the shower I had all these pretty things I was gonna say and I was gonna be all fancy and... aw, hell. (glancing at parents) I mean heck.
(Goes and give Gunn a big hug. Gunn holds on to her tightly for a moment then clears his throat and lets her go. Fred walks over to Wes. They dance around awkwardly for a moment trying to figure out whose arm will go where before hugging as well. Fred goes to hug Cordy.)
CORDELIA: Between you and me, I'm almost a little jealous.
(Fred walks over to Angel and the look at each other.)
FRED: Thank you - for everything.
(Angel silently hands her the suitcase he carried down the steps for her.)
ANGEL: Bye Fred.
(Fred gives him a smile and turns to her parents.)
FRED: We better go before I get all runny.
(The Burkles walks up the steps to the front doors. Fred turns around one last time and waves at them all before the doors close behind them.)
written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at: